The following information is to assist in relocating to Moscow. Schools Anglo-American School of Moscow - an international school for children from preschool through 12th grade
Practical Matters All Moscow - a comprehensive guide to websites for information about Moscow Expate Russia - resources for relocation to Russia Let's Talk! - email and chat groups for expatriates Real Post Reports - many links designed to ease the transition into life in Moscow World Wide Phone Guide - Information and equipment you will need to hook up your phone (and modem) to any phone outlet in the world. Also discusses dial tones, digital systems, and tax impulses
Books on Moscow and Russia From Nyet to Da : Understanding the Russians (Interact Series), by Yale Richmond. Intercultural Press, 1996. $19.95. The Rough Guide to Moscow, by Rough Guides (Editor), Dan Richardson. Rough Guides, 2001. $16.95. The Russian Way : Aspects of Behavior, Attitudes, and Customs of the Russians, by Zita D. Dabars, Lilia Vokhmina. McGraw Hill, 1995. $12.95. Time Out Moscow & St. Petersburg Guide, (Time Out Moscow & St. Petersburg, 1st Ed). Penguin USA, 1999, $14.95.
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